Know what Scorpio Horoscope has to say regarding the rewards of hard work in this year
Scorpio horoscope as of the year 2022, Rahu is in the seventh house of Scorpio, Mars, Moon, and Ketu in the first house, Sun and Venus in the second house, Saturn and Mercury in the third house, and Jupiter in the fourth. Mercury and Venus are retrograde.
Rahu will go to Aries on 12th April and Ketu will go to Libra in parallel. Saturn will go to Aquarius on 29th April. Jupiter will go to Pisces on 13th April.
All the planets except Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu change their zodiac sign almost every month. Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Jupiter are the main factors in judging the zodiac annual results.
What will happen to the health of Scorpio in the New Year?
January: This month will be very happy says Scorpio horoscope of us. By the grace of God, you will be able to overcome many adversities and establish your determination. Individuals, those who are associated with the stock market and speculation will have unprecedented success. Marital peace will be maintained after the 13th of the month. By willpower you will be able to overcome many obstacles and finally make new business contacts .You can do everything necessary for higher education easily. The health of the elders will get better quickly. Avoid argument regarding love and relationship. Avoid arguments that can lead to tensions. But there are also several ways to increase debt. Spend carefully.
February: Your willpower will be strong in this month. By the grace of God, the health of the elders will improve. This month will be the end of the long-frozen suffering. But avoid arguing at work. Children will be more focused on their studies. New business opportunities will come. At the end of the month you will be able to retrieve money that you have lend. This month is very auspicious for researchers and politicians. The economic situation of the people in the world of cinema will get better than before.
March: This month will be mixed with good and bad. It will open up your way of alternative income. Businessman will have the opportunity to make new investments. You will have unprecedented success in suppressing the enemy. Self-employed income will increase. Disturbance in the workplace of people working abroad will increase. Love-marriage will not be a very promising kind. However, there will be deterioration in the mother’s health. Success in your child’s education will keep your mind happy. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Because of negligence, health may create problem.
April: Extreme caution is required regarding unnecessary talk. Marital distance will increase. Problem increases in the job field but you will be able to collect the arrears. After the 6th of the month, the decline in income will cause mental dissatisfaction. Refrain from making hasty decisions on shares, speculation or lottery. However, at the end of the month, significant improve in the child’s education. In case of employees, the period after the 21st of the month is quite auspicious. After the 28th of the month, by the grace of God, you will be able to remove all the obstacles.
May: The beginning of the month is relatively good. You can get good news about stuck project. Problems that have been going on for a long time will be solved temporarily. There will be peace in married life. Changes in eating habits will reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. After the 19th of the month, instability in the workplace will increase. Love will get in trouble. There will be a satisfactory solution to family misunderstanding. Significant success in eliminating enemy. Success will come in research work and higher education.
June: Get important work done as early as possible. Be careful enough in this month. Caution should be exercised against accidental falls or insect infestations. You can suffer from headaches. There is a strong possibility that the expenditure will be more than the income. Research work can be recognized. Good luck to the people engaged in medical and legal services says Scorpio horoscope. Finally after 23rd, there will be relief from despair.
“Scorpios love to secretly influence the person in power to do the things they want to do, without having the full limelight. Whereas a fire sign always excels on the stage, a Scorpio is a better fit behind the curtain, pulling the strings of the operation and telling everyone where to go with just the immense power of their eyes.” — Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac, by Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky
July: The beginning of the month will not be too bad. People with chronic diseases will be much healthier. Responsibilities will increase in the workplace. Success will come in the earnings. Cosmetics and textile traders will find new openings. The money that has been detained for a long time will be recovered and it will increase the mental spirits. After the 19th of this month, there will be concern about the health of the elders. There will be enough dissatisfaction about love. So avoid controversy. Debt may increase in business. Beware of domestic violence.
August: This month will bring an end to the ongoing complexities in the field of workplace. People involved in professional work will have financial success. An end to the ongoing quarrel in the family will bring emotional relief. Thoughtful decisions must be made regarding law and politics. The child’s education will put an end to mental anxieties. It will give new hope to the politicians. However, regarding health needs to be very careful. Otherwise, it will cause chronic disease. For help Tantra Mantra Specialist Jayanta Bhattacharyya is a learned person and he has years of experience in applying tantric methodologies and he has been applying the same to help people getting out of their problems.
September: Decide anything in this month very carefully says Scorpio horoscope. Because crisis situations can arise in the workplace. Debt may increase in the case of traders. Lay offs in employment will be a concern. Secret hostilities can disrupt work environment. But by the end of the month, God-inspired morale will increase. Success will come in suppressing the enemy. Motivation to do new things will put an end to all frustration. In the case of love, respectful compromise will reduce mental anxiety. Success will come in research. Be careful about investing money.
October: This month will bring some good news. However, problems related to property will increase stress in the first part of the month. Strong possibility to getting a new job. Financial flow will increase morale. Transmission of new ventures in the field of business is possible. Children will be more attention to their studies. This is a great time for the construction business. Relationships will improve. Marital happiness will increase. Above all, mental instability will decrease.
November: This month will be mixed with good and bad. Personal animosity will end at the beginning of the month. Life can be fun with the help of childhood friends. In the case of business, new ventures can be started. It will be possible to collect the arrears. You will have lot of money and it is necessary to invest it slowly otherwise there is a strong possibility of monetary loss. Significant success is possible in alternative income procedure. People living abroad need to be aware about their health. Lack of recognition for research work can lead frustration. Significant development indicates in the health of seniors.
December: A good start will come in this month with new investments in business. Recovery of salary stuck in work place will happen. Significant success in share market or lottery. Family unrest will end after 14th of this month. Difference of opinion in between family members will be removed. However, mental anxiety will increase due to child’s education. By the grace of God, elder’s health will improve. Success will come in suppressing the enemy. Deprivation of responsibilities at work will increase frustration. People involved in the legal business will be at the forefront of success in this month.
Advice: To get rid of the problem: Donate to a Brahmin on Thursday, the problem will be reduced.