Generate Positive Energy

Generate Positive Energy
Generate Positive Energy: An Astrology Blog by Genuine Vedic Astrologer, Jayanta Bhattacharyya, regarding Indian Spirituality.
There are various theories and hypothesis on God, Nature, Life, and Death. But no one has yet been able to find a satisfactory answer to queries on these topics. Only God knows!
But one thing is certain for all of us that we all want to live peacefully with our beloved ones in our sweet home. We always remain scared that no evil can come around us. But none of us know for sure which is the exact path to achieve that peaceful life we want.
To leave a happy hassle free life, to keep all odds and evils out of our way, we adapt several measures as per our individual belief. Some of us pray to the almighty. Some of us follow several ways to appease several planets while some other perform Pujas, chanting etc.
How can you generate positive energy in your home?
Now, you can adapt simple zodiac remedies to counter the ill effects and generate Positive Energy in your home to reap the positive benefits.
The good sectors are North, East and South-West. Activate these areas of the home with a water feature. West and South-East have bad energies resulting in sickness, which metal can help cure.
North-East and North-West are good to activate career growth, literary pursuits and education.
The Central sector of a building caries arguments and quarrelsome energies, so decorate the area in fire colour.
The South-East is also unfavourable, so control it with water plants or bamboo stems in water.
This is the general overview. Forecast and analysis are based on the study of the elements and on energy movements. The implications are different on each individual, in accordance with their personal zodiac signs and the position of the different planets emanating varied energy as per an individual’s horoscope.