Who are you?

Who are You?
Who are You? Astrology Blog by Renowned Astrologer Jayanta Bhattacharyya
Have you ever asked yourself , ‘Who are you?’ Go deep inside your mind and you will find the answer. You are the product of your own thoughts, so don’t make yourself a battleground of one thought conflicting another.
Mind does not exist as an entity, only thoughts exist, and the thoughts exist separate from you, they come and go, you remain, you persist. You are like the sky; it never goes away or comes back, it is always there, it stays.
But, clouds come and go, they are momentary phenomena, they are not eternal. Thoughts are just like the clouds.
Even if you try to cling to a thought, you can’t retain it for long, it has to go, it has its own birth and death. Thoughts don’t belong to you, they come as visitors, as guests; but they are never the hosts. Watch deep inside, and you can realize the situation – you are the host and thoughts are the guests. As guests they are beautiful, but if you forget completely that you are the host, and if you allow the guests to take the place of the host, then you become a mess. This is what the hell is.
You are the master of the house, the house belongs to you, but the guests have become the masters. So, receive the guests, take care of them; but don’t get identified with them; otherwise the guests will become the masters.
Similarly, if you allow all sorts of thoughts to occupy your mind, the thoughts will master over your ‘self’, and you will be in a mess.
To avoid this messy situation in the mind, you have to stay away from the negative thoughts and embrace and cherish the positive vibes from around, to attain your goals in life.