Why we do Puja?

Why we do PUJA?
Why we do PUJA? : Blog by Renowned Astrologer Jayanta Bhattacharyya
Why should we do regular “Practice” and/or chant “Mantra”?
We all are leaders and creators in our respective lives. Doing ‘Practice’ and chanting ‘Mantra’ are powerful tools to tap, polish and refine the intrinsic leadership potential in us by which we can overcome several problems of life. A leader has the qualities of inner confidence, strength, foresightedness, clarity and unbiased approach to act in the larger common interest of all involved to him/her.
But, there are times when we get confused while facing the challenges of life, sometimes we feel scared and insecure, cannot find answers to many life-questions, cannot judge whether to take risks or not. And, there lies the importance of doing “Practice” and chanting “Mantra” which helps expressing our intrinsic leadership potential that in turn will help us to lead ourselves to win over the hassles of life.
The following are a few key leadership skills that, doing regular “Practice” and chanting “Mantra” effortlessly enable:
- Taking the right decision at the right time.
- Learning mind management.
- Being assertive rather than aggressive.
- Keeping up one’s self esteem.
- Conflict resolution.
- Creating a harmonious/progressive family.
For specific difficulties in life there are different kinds of practices and Mantras which can help you to remove problems and live the life of your dreams.
How does PUJA benefit?
Puja is ritualistic worship of the divine. The purpose of puja is to practice and perform rituals to foster good habits to bring order in life. Each ritual of puja maintains an unbroken remembrance of God. Puja keeps us in harmony with cosmic forces. It helps removing and overcoming the sorrows of life and bringing spiritual growth. Performing puja helps in creating vibration of spiritual forces around us. Which in turn eliminates the negative influences and negative aspects of our life. It helps generating positive energy to surround us. This brings peace of mind as well as material prosperity.
Thus, Puja enables us touch the divine, our true nature, and at the same time to lead a comfortable life we want.